Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday Meanderings 4.18.2011

No more volunteering for Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic. Now they are called Learning Ally. They explained all about the name change last time I was there; bottom line is that they do so much more than record books for blind readers they felt they needed to expand the perception folks have. So,  no more RFB&D. Now, when I say "I went down to LA the other day," you'll know I did not go to Los Angeles. Though why I would want to go there, I don't know. Los Angeles, that is. Except, of course, it's a lot closer to Fresno, and that would be good.

She said:   "What's the matter?"
He said:     "I got out of the car and my pants seat is all wet."
She said:    "Oh, I spilled water in the seat. I forgot to tell you."
He said:     "You have no idea how glad I am to hear that!"

Under the heading "Nothing is ever easy."
It's time to replace the current washer and dryer. I can't even find papers to see how long we've had them. In my mind, they are only the second set of such appliances in our marriage. But that's not the issue. The problem, you see. is that new appliances don't fit in the space we have. That was true when we replaced the kitchen stove, so now the current stove sticks out a bit. I have noticed that problem in other kitchens, as well, so we don't lose any sleep over it.

But with the washer and dryer it's not just sticking out that's the issue. It's having room for the water hoses and the vent - especially the vent that is the problem. At the very least, I think I am going to have to relocate the vent cap - the part that sticks through the exterior wall! It may even take some remodeling. Who needs clean clothes, anyway.

The party’s over for the University of Texas. UT, Playboy’s No. 1 party school in 2010, tumbled to No. 5 this year. The University of Colorado-Boulder tops the latest list. Rankings are based on a number of factors, including male-female ratios, success of sports teams (Uh … thanks, Mack Brown), proximity to “cool” recreational amenities and, allegedly, academic excellence. Say what?

Sort of like the academic excellence shown by this student, I imagine.

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