Monday, April 4, 2011

Monday Meandering - 4.4.2011

Saw a sign outside a local tavern promoting "Beer and Bible Brunch." They may be onto something.

I was wrong about my prediction about accidents involving the Metro Rail. When service started last March I thought there would be daily accidents. It took a year for the first train/car collision; it was minor and  it involved a teen playing chicken with the train.

If you follow women's basketball you know that Pat Summit, coach of the Tennessee Lady Vols,  is a scary woman. If the team is doing poorly in the 1st half of the game, it is assured that they will do better in the 2nd half because they have to go into the locker room with that woman. Pat said in an interview the other day, "I don't know what I would do without halftime."

I think we have a problem. Friday we discovered that you could now buy Magnum ice cream bars at Wal Mart. Mom became very fond of Magnums on trips abroad, but we couldn't find them in the States. I've accused her of traveling to Latin America just for Magnums. Now she only has to go a couple of miles.

The other morning during COTP (Coffee-On-The-Patio) I saw a couple of possums wandering through the neighbors yard. Pretty sure they live under some outbuildings in another yard, and we've encountered them on our patio in the middle of the night. This was, however, mid-morning and these normally nocturnal marsupials were still out and about. Must have been late getting home from work or the all-night Tupperware party.

Live Nude Fish Part III.  Here's part of a letter to the editor of the Austin Chronicle about the on-going sign drama:

Dear Editor,
    Amazonia Aquariums has had our second live nude fish sign stolen! The first one got swiped, [and a] local sign company ... kindly gave us a free new sign that was hanging for about two weeks. Then, this weekend it was stolen as well. Now exactly who needs all these live nude fish signs anyway? Pray tell, who else has nude fish that need advertising? ... Why are live nude fish signs so popular with thieves? ... In response Amazonia is going to make live nude fish shirts that say "steal this shirt" on the back. Our live nude fish are so popular that now we may have to paint a giant mural that says live nude fish on the side of the building. Let's see them steal that!

Amazonia Aquariums
I love this town!

And here is the current financial crisis described in a single picture:

 "This financial crisis is forcing state and local agencies to make some tough decisions. If things continue for much longer, there's a real risk that we may have to lay off Eugene."

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