Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday Meanderings - 5.07.12

I hope you had a festive Cinco de Mayo - that Mexican anniversary of note celebrated exclusively in the US. It's strictly a Norte Americano tradition.

I blame the Californians. So many of them have moved to Austin we will soon use up all of our area code 512 telephone numbers. Before long, we'll be just like Houston and Dallas and all the other Metro areas across the country with multiple area codes. No more simple 7-digit numbers; now we'll have to choose either 512 or 737 and dial the whole thing to talk to our next door neighbor. However, that will make it easier to identify who is a Johnny-Come-Lately vs. us old-timers. "Got a 737 number? You must be one of those immigrants that's ruining things for the rest of us."

I discovered a new aspect of the CPAP machine Saturday night. If the electricity goes off in the middle of the night and the airflow stops, you waken to a sucking noise. That would be you, trying to get some much-needed oxygen. The technician assures us that the mask cannot suffocate you, but they didn't mention waking up suddenly wondering where the air went.

I don't think the pest control company advertising on TV fully thought out the implications of having a home owner say, "I've really gotten to know my exterminator."

I am delighted to announce that at long last, I successfully prepared a waffle the other day. If you think that's no big deal, you're new to this blog, aren't you? Unfortunately, in the excitement of the moment of removing a golden-brown, completely formed, nothing-left-sticking-to-the-iron waffle I neglected to take a picture, but it was sweet, trust me!

Did you hear the one about the guy that fell into the upholstery machine? He's now completely recovered.

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