Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday Meanderings - 9.23.2013

And what phrase beats "Disturbance in the Gulf?"  That would be: "Flash Flood Warning." Thank you, Lord! And not only did it rain, Fall showed right on time. Well, at least for a few days.

There's a panhandler on a near corner that has caught my attention of late. First, he has a Duck-Dynasty-Worthy beard; about a foot long and well kept. His hat is a cross between that of a U.S. Calvary officer in a Western movie and that of Hoss Cartwright on Bonanza. You do remember Bonanza, don't you?

His signage varies; the other day it read, "My wife ran off with another woman, my dog ran off with another man, and I ran out of beer." The other evening it said, "A beer a day keeps the doctor away." Based on that message, it looked like the doctor was far, far away at the time.

We were waiting on the light and he was shuffling our way when he stopped in seeming surprise, looking at me. Then he stroked his beard, looked at mine, and shook his head like "You've got a long, long way to go to match me, Junior."

One of my doctors came in the exam room the other day, greeted me and said, "The other day the teacher was having all the kids tell what their father did. One kid said, 'My Dad is a male stripper at Le Bare.' When the kid got home his mother was waiting for him: 'Why on earth did you tell Mrs. Stewart that your father was a male stripper?' The kid said, ' Mom, I couldn't tell her he was a defensive coach for Texas, could I?'"

I have always thought a good, hot pizza was a "divine experience," but I didn't know how divine until I noticed on this delivery box label just who "managed my pizza experience."

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