Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The LA-Z-BOY Saga

Me: "What was that?"
Barb: "I think it was my recliner."
Me (looking at up-ended recliner): "Uh oh, not good. A seat spring is broken."
Barb: "I guess that's why I sit all slumped over now."

Me: "Hello La-Z-Boy? I need a seat spring repaired on a recliner."
Mary from the Round Rock store: "I'll send Technician Eddie. There will be an $86 trip charge and $100 an hour for repairs. The good news is that there is no charge for the parts."
Me: "Hmm. Wow, that's a lot.
Barb: "Ahem. You are not the one sitting slumped over."
Me: "Okay. Let's do it."
Mary from the Round Rock store: "Okay. I'll send Technician Eddie on... let me see... on the 22nd.
Me: "If I bring it in, can we get it done faster?"
Mary from the Round Rock store: "We don't have a repair facility. If Technician Eddie can't fix it in the home it will have to go to Dallas and there's a $100 pick-up and delivery charge for that."

Mary from the Round Rock store: "Technician Eddie is sick. He will be there on 7/23."

Technician Eddie: "Yep, it's a seat spring. What we call your basic zig-zag or serpentine spring. Do you want all four repaired or just the broken one?"
Me: "Might as well do them all."
Technician Eddie: "I can't repair four springs in the home; I'll have to send the recliner to Dallas for that. It'll take about a month, and there's a $100 pick-up and delivery charge."
Me: "Can you do one spring in the home?"
Technician Eddie: "Sure, but I'll have to take it all apart. It'll be messy and loud."
Me: "That's okay. Get 'er done."
Technician Eddie: "I don't have the parts with me. I'll have to order them and come back later. That will be $86.00 trip charge, please."
Me: "Are you going to charge me for another trip when you come back?"
Technician Eddie: "Nah. Just the repair charges. But the good news is that there is no charge for the parts."

Me (on the phone to Mary from the Round Rock store at 9am): "It's been a month. Where is Technician Eddie and the parts?"
Mary from the Round Rock store: "There's been a problem with our inventory. We are recounting now. I'll call you back."
Mary from the Round Rock store (at 2:15pm): "We found the parts. I'll send Technician Eddie by on Tuesday, the 27th."

Technician Eddie: "I have the parts. I'll come tomorrow, the 27th. And I have it down that you are going to install this spring yourself."
Me: "That's not what we agreed, but if that's what it takes to get it fixed, bring me the parts!"

Mary from the Round Rock store: "Technician Eddie is sick and can't bring the parts. It will be Thursday. And are you really going to do this repair yourself?"
Me: "No, but Technician Eddie thinks I am. I want Technician Eddie to install the spring, like we agreed."
Mary from the Round Rock store: "I'll tell him that he is doing the repair on Thursday, August 29th."

Mary from the Round Rock store (at 7:30am!!): "Technician Eddie didn't leave his schedule, but he should be there sometime today."
Linda from the Dallas Repair Facility (at 8:30am): "Hello, I've been talking to Mary from the Round Rock store and there's some confusion. Technician Eddie can't replace a seat spring in the home or anywhere else; the chair has to come to the shop here in Dallas for that repair. We'll waive the $100 pick-up and delivery fee and there is no charge for the parts. We'll pick the chair up on Wednesday, September the 4th. The Driver from Dallas will call you the day before to let you know when. Have a good day."

Driver from Dallas: "We'll be by tomorrow between 11am and 1pm to pick up your recliner."

Driver from Dallas (at 2pm): "We are here to pick up a recliner."

Linda from the Dallas Repair Facility: "Your recliner is repaired. We'll deliver it on Wednesday the 18th. The Driver from Dallas will call you on Tuesday the 17th to let you know when."

Driver from Dallas: "We'll be by tomorrow between 7am and 10am to deliver your recliner."
Me: "If you come at 7am, just leave it on the porch."
Driver from Dallas: "I need a signature."
Me: "I'll sign a blank paper. It'll be on the porch."
Driver from Dallas: (something in Spanish I thankfully didn't understand).

9/18/13 - 72 days from the "Sproinggggg"
Driver from Dallas (at 9:30am): "Here's your recliner."
Me: "Do I pay you?"
Driver from Dallas: "Nah. We're not allowed to handle money. They will bill you. If you don't get a bill, forget about."
Me: "Count on it!"

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