Monday, March 16, 2015

Monday Meandering - 3.16.2015

 If you miss me, I'm probably out standing in line to be one of the first to sign up for one of those new $10,000 Apple watches. Now that I'm retired it's really important to me to be on time. And be styling.

Got a nice rain this past week. The gauge says about 2 1/2 inches fell in our back yard from last Sunday night thru Tuesday. Makes the bluebonnets grow, of which there are many now.

I downloaded an app for my phone to help keep up with all the various merchant loyalty cards. Beats having a pocket full of them on the key ring. Only problem is, every time I drive by one of the participating stores, like CVS, the app goes "Cha-ching" like a cash register to alert me to savings it has found for that vendor.

Trying to find the cause of an annoying little rash, the dermatologist gave me a patch test, which entails taping a series of panels containing multiple sources of potential allergens to my back. For two days I walked around feeling like I had a board strapped on back there. He read the results Wednesday and there was a faint reaction to.... gold jewelry. Wait! There goes the gold Apple watch! Sigh.

It's South By Southwest time again, or as we locals call it - "South By." Started off as a little musical festival and it has morphed into a couple of weeks of film, interactive, music and who knows what else. Someone mentioned that they boarded a plane in Chicago headed home to Austin and every person on the plane was coming to SXSW. Austin does know how to throw a party. On the news last night some reporter was at a party and the guest DJ was Frodo.

Went to a Burmese barbeque last night. Barb regularly works with several of the Burmese women who attend our church, conducting ESL lessons, and more recently tutoring to pass the US Citizen exam. Her student passed, and we were invited to the celebration party. When we arrived, 3 or 4 grills were churning out skewers of various meats and there were pans of delicious looking BBQ. One of our hosts was explaining the choices to me, and demonstrated how they dipped each morsel into a spicy sauce.

His accent was heavy, but I definitely heard the terms "beef tongue" and "chicken hearts." I stopped listening closely after that. For what it's worth, beef tongue is pretty chewy, and chicken hearts don't taste like chicken. As for the other items... let's just say that ignorance is tasty.

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