Monday, February 1, 2016

Monday Meanderings - 2.1.2016

Sipping coffee on the patio Saturday morning, on a balmy 73 degree day, I paused to think of all the folks still navigating around mounds of snow and slush.  Okay, it was only about a 10 second pause. Sorry.

Woke up the other morning unable to talk. Cedar pollen has been off the charts and I had a brief encounter with Ceder Fever. Barb seized that opportunity to go on a "silence must mean assent" campaign. She swears that she never noticed me waving my arms and shaking my head "No."

The only good thing to come from my bout of laryngitis was a fondness for mugs of hot tea and honey. The voice is back, but I think a daily cup or two of Twining Black Breakfast Tea laced with honey is here to stay. Blimey.

We watched the Texas Lady Longhorns win number 1,000 in the school's 42 year history of women's basketball. Only 4 other programs have that many wins, and we likely will pass one of those soon.

Most of those wins (783, to be exact) were during Jody Conradt's career, and we probably saw somewhere around 500 of those in person during the 20 or so years we had season tickets. Under Coach Goestenkor's tenure the program went through a slump, but the current coach and team are quite good. Things are looking up.

After the first of every year the City of Austin mails out a colorful schedule showing the dates for trash and recycling pick-up for the different sections of the city. We got ours, as usual, and then a week or so later, we got another - corrected - calendar.

Took a while to figure out what was wrong with the first one. Seems someone overlooked Leap Year, so beginning in March, all the dates were wrong.

And it looks like I may have to do all the grocery shopping by myself for a while. There are some things that are just too hard to resist around our house.

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