Monday, November 21, 2016

Monday Meanderings - 11.21.2016

The pecan gatherer/yard gnome has a new trick. She fetches the paper. Picks it up off the ground and places it on the cover of the recycling cart parked outside the garage. Or maybe it is just her way of indicating just what she thinks of the newspaper.

Update on the Mexican food restaurant that warned us about poor service and bad tacos. When I checked my credit card balance a couple of days later, there was a credit from the restaurant for the entire cost of the meal. I guess they were really, really sorry.

We got one of those reverse 911 calls the other evening - first one of those we have ever received. The message said they were looking for an elderly gent in our area who had wandered off. I tried to tell them I was fine, but since it was a recorded message, I don't think they were listening.

The clan is gathering for Thanksgiving. We're checking items off the list: Turkey; check. Fixings; check. Bake sweet potato pie; check. Clean house,; heck; Plug in device charging outlets; check.

Not kidding about the pie.

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