Monday, November 7, 2016

Monday Meanderings - 11.7.2016

One more day of this nonsense - and then we start a new period(s) of nonsense of claims, counter-claims and uncertainty. Sigh. Oh, and of course this aggravation is compounded by dumping a time change on us. How did I spend my extra hour? Hunting down and changing all the clocks!

I have mentioned the Vietnamese lady who comes regularly (multiple times a day, as of late) to search for fallen pecans. It hasn't been a big crop year, so finding any pecans at all is a long, repetitive process. We  have learned that we want to be cautious about opening the blinds - even slightly - when we first arise of a morning. Like as not, she's in the flowerbed in front of the window searching for roof-roll pecans, and one might just get a hearty hello wave from 3 feet away!

She elevated her game this past week. Barb had been shopping and when she returned, the lady approached her and pantomimed a raking motion, but it was not clear to Barb what she wanted. Remember, the lady has NO English other than Hello, as far as we know. Barb went in the house to put her groceries up and looked out to see that our visitor had snagged a lawn rake from the garage (kept right inside the door) and was raking all the leaves in the yard and driveway to uncover more pecans!

A little later, Barb was back outside and the lady pantomimed that she wanted to bag the raked leaves. This time Barb caught on quickly, so she got a couple of trash bags, which the lady filled with leaves and put in the trash before departing for the day! At this point we are wondering if we scattered some pecans throughout the house, could we get the lady to come clean our house!

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