Monday, March 20, 2017

Monday Meanderings - 3.20.2017

Finally, an update on the missing cat that I mentioned last week. If you recall, the homeowner could hear the cat, but couldn't find it and after a week or so, turned to social media for help. A hundred or so people posted advise and questions, and as time passed, they began to plead for news of the missing cat - but there was no news until Saturday, 17 days later, when the owner sheepishly admitted that the cat was outside all the time, meowing at the window, and all is well.

This does bring to mind a comment that Luke, our minister, made on Sunday. "I have a lot of questions for God. Like, "What's up with cats?"

While on the subject of Sunday, in Bible Class yesterday the teacher introduced a study of the book of Exodus and asked "Can anyone tell me when the Exodus occurred? and some one said, "Right after Trump was elected."

I saw an article this week about a 70-year-old Missouri runner named Chau Smith who has competed in approximately 70 races and decided she wanted to run a marathon on every continent - in the same week! So she did. Smith ran in Perth, Australia, Cairo, Amsterdam, Singapore, New York, Chile and King George Island, Antarctica in January. She’d wake up, run the marathon, then board a plane to the next location.

This inspired me, so I set out to nap in 20 different recliners in one 24-hour period. I was right on schedule until I snoozed through closing time at the Lazy-Boy store. I do think Mall Security way over-reacted when they came to let me out of the locked store.

It's not unusual to hear music while holding on the phone, but one doesn't usually hear "Amazing Grace." It made sense, however when I found myself singing "When we've been here ten-thousand years."

And here's a picture that can only be captioned, "Life will find a way."
This is on Mopac, and 127,000 cars a day pass this little palm tree. Since this is Austin, there is already a petition stating "Hands off the Palm!"

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