Monday, March 27, 2017

Monday Meanderings - 3,27.2017

Gotta be honest with you. It was  far too nice out on the patio this past week to spend much time indoors, cogitating on the blog. This is going to be short.

I  overheard a fragment of a conversation the other day as I was leaving the studio. One of the staff said to one of the volunteers, "I saw a beautiful Golden Retriever yesterday and I thought about you. Our church has comfort dogs..."

Comfort dogs? I understand the concept - many nursing homes and care facilities utilize comfort dogs - but I had never thought about them at a church. I attended a service at a church once that had rocking chairs strategically placed throughout the auditorium; what a great idea for moms with babes. But comfort dogs? Why not comfort bunnies? Or comfort kitties? Well, maybe not cats; too fickle.

Definitely going to have to follow up with the staff member about this.

So excited to hear that the Austin Metro area is now officially at 2 million people and counting. That's especially good news when one is out and about on the streets and roadways.

I gave up on my music playlist labeled "100 Best Rock Songs." It's now labeled "200 Best..." I never could get it below about 130 titles, and with Chuck Berry's passing it was only fitting and proper that I add his hits to the list - at least for a while. However, this way, I have some room to grow.

Okay, coffee is ready. I'm headed back out. Have a good week!

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