Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 - We'll miss you - thank goodness you're gone!

On this, the last day of 2009, I'm doing what so many others are doing - looking back, trying to make sense of a year that made no sense, finding blessings to count regardless, and wondering what the New Year will bring. Whew!

Nothing quite like a year that dumps 40% of your retirement nest egg into the trash bin. If you have just stepped across the retirement threshold that does get your attention!

And 2009 was the year that I went back to work. Technically, I was fully retired for only a very brief time. and three days a week is a very nice work week thank you. Especially in view of the preceding paragraph!

In 2009 Westover went to two services - had to pick early or late (for the times I wasn't at both). In 2010 they will tweak the class schedules so that we get to stay for what amounts to both services.

Took Uncle Sam and the City of Austin up on rebates and tax credits and installed a new A/C, toilets and water heater. Nice to be cool in the summer and have hot water when you want it. Also connected to City sewer, but didn't have any choice in that. Nor did we have a choice when the City came to chop down all the trees in the back yard. The City giveth, and the City taketh away.

Checked out Fresno and got the guided tour of Yosemite. Loved both. Like the Governator says, "We'll be back."

Endured 6 weeks of Physical Therapy. The Electro-Stim gets rave reviews; the exercises were a pain, (literally).

Went to my 50th High School Reunion. Boy, those folks are getting old.

Watched the Longhorns win 13 games and lose none; it was always neat seeing Colt and Jordan at church. Beat Alabama!

And we lived through the blizzard of '09 - you know, the one where the promised 2 inches of snow turned out to be 2 snowflakes - unlike the real blizzard of '09 which a lot of you really did have to live through.

So what about 2010? I know I'll retire again - probably about April. The Longhorns will win a National Championship - maybe two, if mens basketball stays on track.

And I'll blog about whatever happens.

Happy New Year

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