Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday Meanderings - 7.8.2013

After a wickedly hot weekend, last Monday brought low(er) temperatures and very little humidity.We had some running around to do; left Barb's car for service, enjoyed some Eggs Benedict at Mimi's (well, I did, anyway), went by Home Despot to look at some shrubs, and shopped for a 4th of July Tee for Barb. I even spent a few minutes with coffee on the patio after we got home. A fine morning (as long as one could get inside by noon).

With the cool morning, Barb was inspired to go through some of the boxes we have stored in the attic. I keep insisting that there is a treasure worth millions up there - say, a long-lost Picasso painting -  and someone should get all those boxes down and go through them all. So far, the kids are not falling for it, but we will have the last laugh.

Thus far, among other things, Barb has uncovered a stuffed Easter Bunny that belonged to Rob at, oh, about age four, a box of candle wax (no, not candles, just the wax after it all melts in a puddle), and most of the papers she wrote in college. But I'm positive that treasure is still up there!

I have had an extended vacation from reading at Learning Ally. The A/C went out there last week, and the sound-proof booths that we read in are NOT the place to be when the temperatures are in the triple digits. In fact, they are uncomfortably warm when the A/C is working. Repairs are slow in coming - looks like I will have this week off as well.

Barb's car is the original "owned by a little old lady who only drove it to church on Sundays." Low, low mileage, but getting high in years, so it's a hassle to figure out what kind of service should be performed. Even the service tech had to ask his boss about the spark plugs - replace based on mileage or time?

He told Barb that he had a car back on the lot that a guy brought in to have the plugs changed and it has been more than a year and he hasn't been back to pick it up. Maybe he's saving up his money to pay the bill.

And speaking of autos, just so you'll know, if I had my leg hanging out the window while I drove, it would be because it had become unattached, and I was headed to the ER to have it put back on!

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