Monday, July 1, 2013

Monday Meanderings - 7.1.2013

You know how, when you place an order at Chick-Fil-A, they ask you for your name so that they can call it when your order is ready? Did you know that in addition to your name they record other information about you?

Yes, I was wearing a blue button-up shirt. The NSA would be proud. BTY, that MlkShk Pch (peach) Lg is totally worth it. You won't find it at Sonic, 25 flavors or no.

You may find it interesting that Apple ear-buds are washable. It is my understanding that iPhones are not. Glad it was the ear-buds I left in my pocket and not the phone.

It was hot this weekend, dear hearts. It reached 106° on Friday and 108° on Saturday. That's hot. The good news, according to the weatherman was that it felt like it was 106° and 108° - none of this phony temperature business. When it's that hot, you do your errands early in the day and then then go home and bunker up. We even flipped a coin to see who had to go out and get the mail.

Spent more money this week on a pair of shoes than I have ever spent on any shoes before - and they were walking shoes. You know, what we used to call "tennis shoes." Found out the hard way that you can't cheap out on your shoes if you are serious about spending time on the treadmill. Barb said, "I told you... oh, never mind."

Almost weekly Austin seems to be on some top 10 list: best place to start a family, best place to start a business, best place to start a list. Saw one recently that listed Austin as one of the top-10 Terribly Overrated Destinations. The author listed popular vacation sites such as Buenos Aires, the Caribbean, San Francisco and Chicago, but placed Austin as the #1 overrated spot, "a city whose entire purpose for breathing is to not be like everything else around it." He then suggests traveling instead to (wait for it) Houston, which he calls an “impressively creative and very fun town” despite being, in his words, “so ugly that sometimes you may be tempted to put a bag over its head.”

Yes. I agree. Visit Houston instead. Please. Then maybe we won't have to stand in line to get good BBQ.

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