Monday, July 22, 2013

Monday Meanderings - 7.22.2013

Rain in July is a rare occurrence around here, but we enjoyed several inches of rain over a four day period this past week. It is amazing how quickly the landscape can turn from brown to green, if only for a little while. Now it's back to watching for something to come ashore from the Gulf of Mexico. But not too big a something, please.

I'm sorry. The middle of July is just too early to start advertising back to school supplies. Why, school doesn't start until... until... wow!

And speaking of school, we frequently pass an athletic field at a high school in the wealthier part of town. Like most fields, there are signs on the fences, posted by businesses. At this school, just about every other sign has been put up by Orthodontists.

A treasure from the attic: I am a published playwright. Here's the certificate to prove it.
Unbeknownst to me, my roommate in college entered a play that I had written in the TIPA competition one year. Skeet, my roommate, was a journalism major and editor of the Optimist, the school paper, and he said that the school needed entries in a lot of categories to make a good showing, so he gathered up anything that he could find. Notice the First Place part!

Supposedly, winning First Place meant that the play would be published by Samuel French and Company - the dominant publisher of theatrical properties. Not sure that actually happened, because I'm sure my little one-act play would have gone straight to Broadway, or maybe Way-Off Broadway, and since I never heard from the company... Oh, well.

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