Friday, April 4, 2008

How big an iPod do I need?

Since Mom is gracious and lets me listen to her iPod while I am walking on the treadmill, I have been thinking that I need an iPod of my own. For one thing, she doesn't like the same music as I do, and though she generously encourages me to add whatever I want, it just doesn't seem quite right to take over her iPod.

I'm saving up, and with a few more book sales, I'll have earned enough for my iPod as well as hers. Mom says she'll make up the difference for my birthday. I think she's tired of having to re-find her place in the Alexander Scourby Bible narration each time she walks on the treadmill.

So I'm looking at the Fry's Weekend Sales Flyer in the paper today, and I notice that they make a 16-gigabyte version of the iPod Nano. It says it holds 40,000 songs. Mom asked if there were 40,000 songs in existence, and did I think I was going to live long enough to listen to 40,000 songs?

That got me to figuring. The first (and greatest) problem would be paying for 40,000 songs. I estimate that my not-that-extensive CD collection currently stands at 600 songs. Let's be generous and say 1,000 songs. That still leaves 39,000 songs to purchase at .99 cents each, or $38,610 to fill my iPod. I would have to go back to work! Does iTunes have a payment plan? (Yeah, it does. You buy, you pay. That’s the plan!)

Now let's say the average song is 5 minutes long (I just scanned a number of CDs and that seems about right, if not a little low). So 40,000 songs at 5 minutes each is 3,333 hours of music. Right now I am listening 30 minutes a day while I exercise, on the average of 6 days a week. That means it would take me 21 years to listen to all 40,000 songs! Dang - she may be right! And if I stop and repeat songs that I really like (as is my custom) we may have to play the rest of them during the funeral service! Bring a snack - it may take a while.

Oh wait, I need to factor in the amount of time needed to choose, download and sync 40,000 songs. How many years will that take? And there is apparently no shortage of songs to choose from – iTunes claims to have more than 6 million of them waiting and ready for me. Now let's see, how big an iPod would I need for 6 million songs?

Never mind. Does Apple make a 1-gigabyte iPod?


pat said...

I'm sure the 1GB is coming!
I do know that 4GB isn't enough - you get tired of listening to the same 1200. (I already owned lots of CDs).
Then if you don't care what you are listening to, there is the FREE song you can download from iTunes most weeks. Not that there are many I would want -but you might, being considerably younger.

Barbara said...

Hey, it's not going to be a problem. At the volume he listens, he'll be deaf before he goes through all of them once. I feel like I'm back in a van on the way to Colorado telling a kid "if I can hear it all the way up here, it's TOO LOUD!"

Rob said...

I have seen some of the free songs and I am afraid he ain't that young!

Bob said...

Excuse me?