Friday, April 24, 2009

No Comprende

I meant to tell this story after we got back from Peru, but being old and stuff like that I forgot about it.

Then a similar story popped up from a blogger that had just returned from Guatamala - it seems that this is a common occurrence.

While we were wandering the streets of Lima, one of our group told of a woman who some months back had made the same sort of trip we were on. The teller said she and a couple of others had gone out shopping and when they returned, she was in a panic.

She said, "I thought were never going to find our way back! All of the streets around here have the same name!" Knowing this to not be the case, the teller suggested that the woman was confused.

"Oh no. Here, I'll show you!" she exclaimed, and drug the man out to the street and proudly pointed to the street sign. "There! It says that on every single street between here and the Mall!"

Of course, you know what the sign said:

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