Friday, June 24, 2011

Just happened to notice...

Here while back I mentioned a wine that we noticed in Central Market. You may recall the label:

Now it makes perfect sense that a wine labeled "Mommy's Time Out" would be on display in Central Market. CM is the most Yuppified place in a town so full of Yuppies that you couldn't swing a cat without having 22 people sic the ASPCA or PETA or some other organization on you. If you looked around a little you could probably find a wine called "Mommy's Little Helper" too.

But the other day we stopped in at Merl's Fine Wines and Bait Emporium for some sushi, and right there at the checkout counter we saw:

That's right. HMS Rattlesnake! Now that's more like it. There is nothing namby-pamby about a wine with Rattlesnake in the name. But then it got more interesting. Next to this offering was this:

Now there is a message here. I'm just not sure what it is. You might say that this was a:

If I didn't know Merle was a man of simple tastes (not to mention mind), I would think he was trying to be funny. But the last wine on display sort of took the humor right out of it. The label is a little hard to figure out, but if you look carefully you will see chains and shackles, and know that the man on the label is called:

Me? I'm sticking with coffee.

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