Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday Meanderings - 6.20.2011

Turning 70 has it's upside - I received all kinds of well-wishes in many different forms; I enjoyed good food with family and friends and enjoyed my day thoroughly. On Friday morning I said, "I guess I'm no longer70." Barb said, "No. Now you are 71."

One of our birthday dining experiences was Pappadoux's. We had forgotten how noisy it is in there, especially at lunch. I thought for a while that the only way Barb and I would be able to communicate was by texting each other!

Speaking of texts. I received this from Julie:

           ()  () ()  ()  ()
       ̥ _̲ ║  ║ ║ ║  ║ _̲   ̥
    {. • _ ❃ _ • _ ❃_ •  .}
 __{• .❋. _ .❋. _ .❋.  •}__
.•*•. հɑԹԹվ ҍíɾԵհժɑվ .•*•.

She claims that she spent hours and hours laboring over her iPhone to produce this. Of course I believe her.

You've all seen the Nike slogan "Just Do It" on shirts and apparel. Nike followed that with "Doing It," and "Still Doing It." However, it is possible to take that last slogan out of context, as evidenced by the man at the mall who, when he saw Barb's shirt, poked his wife and said "See! She's still doing it!"

Angry! Upset! Bad critters, bad critters!  Not only did they eat the ripe ones, they tasted the green ones.

I discovered, while having coffee on the patio (CotP) that not only will Blue-jays and Mockingbirds harass a stray cat, the Cardinals will too. Maybe it is a particularly annoying cat.

I fussed about a particular set of bed sheets being so rough and scratchy so much that Barb came in with a new set - of 600 count! Wow! We need restraints to keep us from sliding out of bed! Really nice. The problem is we will have to stay in bed 18 hours a day to justify their expense. Wait! Did I say problem? Let me rethink that. While I have a nap.

And I'm getting rid of this app on my iPhone. It's obviously broken.