Monday, June 6, 2011

Monday Meanderings 6.6.2011

Been watching a lot of collegiate women's softball of late. Last week, in one of the regionals, we saw a girl hit a monster home run that blasted a car driving down the street behind the stadium. I've seen windows knocked out and dents on hoods before, but this was the first time to see a driver's side rear-view mirror knocked right off of a moving vehicle.

Tomatoes on the patio are doing nicely, so I was really, really hacked to find some critter had been munching on them the other night.  I may have to initiate a nightly shotgun patrol. Of course, I might end up like a friend who one night blasted away at what he thought was a snake on his patio, only to discover the next morning that his garden hose was in about 4 pieces.

An Austin man was out geo-caching in a remote part of a greenbelt when he was injured by falling rocks from a cliff face. He was able to call 911 on his cell and when they asked if he could describe where he was in the greenbelt he could only gave them the GPS co-ordinates. Unfortunately the 911 system is not set up to input GPS co-ordinates, but an off-duty emergency worker, also out geo-caching, heard the radio conversation and called in the injured man's location.

You remember the "Live Nude Fish" sign that keeps disappearing? After the 3rd sign disappeared, the owner of the fish place put out a new sign that says, "Spawn Safely." So far, it has remained un-purloined.

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