Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday Meanderings - 10.29.2012

The pecan tree fooled us. After dropping a bunch of puny, immature pecans during the late summer, it went ahead and produced a nice crop of fully-formed pecans. This was especially evident when the cold front blew through this weekend and bombarded the roof with pecan-hail. Feel free to stop by and gather up what you want, but be aware of falling pecans.

Friday we saw a cowboy in Walmart. We knew he was a real cowboy because of his jangling spurs. Really. I checked, but I didn't see the horse he rode in on. By the way, I visit the People of Walmart website from time-to-time, just to see if our picture is on there.

Speaking of dressing up, I guess that I'm going to go with my old stand-by for Halloween; Aging Hippy. Barb is thinking that She Who Must Be Obeyed is still good for her.

Saw a guy panhandling on a corner the other day with a sign that read "Just stay in school." Judging from his appearance, that looked like good advice.

We are familiar with many gestures that followers of various schools and universities use to signify their team; Longhorns have the "hook-em" of the extended first and forth fingers, Aggies use the thumbs-up "gig-em," Tech is all about "guns up," Baylor "claws" for the Bears, but what does TCU do as Horned Frogs? Finally decided that they must spit in your eye.

My plan to utilize the new high-speed tollway to make a quick trip to Lockhart for BBQ has a new wrinkle - you may get to bring your own pork. It seems that the wide-open space surrounding the new toll road is attractive to wild pigs; there have been at least three auto-hog collisions in the short time the road has been open. The idea of meeting a 500 pound hog at 85 mph has some officials rethinking the deal.

Last night on the way home we passed three houses with Christmas decorations or lights up! And it is still three days till Halloween. I'm hoping that they were left over from last Christmas. You can make a legitimate case for that.

And speaking of home decorations:

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