Monday, April 28, 2014

Monday Meanderings - 4.28.2014

At last some good comes from the countless orders placed with Amazon. I'm going to get some of that money back!
 I'm still planning on how I'm going to spend my 73 cents. I'll let you know.

Article in the paper this week said that on average, restaurant alcohol sales in Austin total $480 per person per year. That means a couple of people are spending twice that to cover our share. Cheers.

There is a promotion that runs on the Longhorn Network, promoting viewership of all things Longhorn. The promotion features a teacher calling roll in what appears to be a 2nd or 3rd grade class, and every student - boy or girl - is named "Ben." I mentioned to Barb that this promotion did not make any sense to me; what was the deal with all these kids named Ben. She looked at me and said, "Vince. All these kids are named Vince."
And on the subject of the University of Texas, someone has come out with new fragrances for Longhorn fans.
Now the scent for the ladies may be just fine, but I'm not sure I want to wear a fragrance for men that has a reference to a steer on it.

You had one job and one job only!
Actually, if you have to cut down on coffee, maybe this is not such a bad idea.

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